Thursday, February 3, 2011

[But Don't Give Yourself Away]

Hey there everyone, here is my latest piece for IF based very loosely on the subject of "surrender."  What does the image above have to do with surrender you ask?  Truthfully, not much.  For those of you not on the East Coast or in the Midwest I guess winter surrendering to spring isn't as pressing, but for those of us in either region, it is.  I suppose that's just about as much relevance there is, it was pretty much just an excuse to draw over-sized Sasquatch/Wendigo tracks with a few creative embellishments from yours truly.  These are really just an opportunity for me to keep practicing and stocking my artistic arsenal.  Considering the turnaround time for these prompts I've been pretty satisfied with the products thus far, with obvious elements that I would change/alter were I allotted more time/knowhow/experience etc.

This one in particular took a while to color (which still isn't completely finished but it's close enough for government work).  The drawing came along pretty quickly and the layers of texture came together rapidly at the end as well (note the breath from the hunters, the pollen from the tropical plants, and the shadows under the trees).  SO for the next one my goals are pretty much the same, work on color and the initial drawing a bit more, and add more tertiary layers of texture to feather some of the "cleanliness" of digital work.

Unless this next prompt is really mind-blowing I might take a week-long break from the IF crawl to work on personal projects (BECAUSE I HAVE SO MANY ON THE DOCKET), we'll just have to wait and see.

Thanks for stopping in and I hoped you liked what you saw!  Enjoy the snow if you have it and the sun if you don't!

P.S.  Those with snow are also encouraged to enjoy the sun.