So I've been tooling around a bit with Illustrator lately and I've discovered 2 things: 1. I like Illustrator a lot and 2. I hate using Illustrator a lot. I honestly find this to be true of most of the computer programs I've been using, namely Photoshop and now, most recently, Illustrator. I think there are two primary reasons for this frustration. Namely, I hadn't spent nearly enough time familiarizing myself with them previously, so there are considerable hurdles that need jumping. Second, I trained as a painter and as someone who genuinely loves the physical act of creation (get your head out of the gutter), and it's taken a little time to become more comfortable with the idea of using digital tools to aid in my artistic creation.
However, that all being said, they are both excellent tools that have helped me a lot (and will hopefully continue to do so) and I really enjoy using them (with a 50/50 split between love and hate most of the time).
I'll start with a little something i drafted up for myself, initials to help cement my internet identity and whatnot (technical term). I'm still tooling around with it but it's fun and I enjoy angles.
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