Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Just to See What it Tastes Like.

Oh, hello internet, I didn't see you there.  It's been too long, but I've been busy you see.  These past few months have been a bit of a whirlwind, with a lot of change happening in a very short time.  I now spend my days working on a farm and the summer season was rather chaotic, leaving little physical energy in the evening for creative pursuits. However, with the coming of the winter season there has been a measured change in pace.  With the reprieve from the harvest schedule and slight loosening of daily labors I've found more time to teach this old dog a few new tricks.  And so, without further a due, may I present the new look of not only my blog, but of my work as well!

I've tried to streamline the whole experience slightly while adding a bit more color and light to the general aesthetic.  I've also tried to eliminate the visual clutter that slowly worked itself in throughout the initial setup process.

I've also been trying my hand at competitions every now and again, focusing more on posters and identity work than t-shirts.
here are two resources worth knowing if you are interested in either:
1. for posters and otherwise musically-linked opportunities, creativeallies
2. for logo and identity work, 99designs
They're a good way to keep your mind active and give you creative impetus while also offering a bit cash compensation.  That beings, they both have their faults.

Here is one of the first posters i submitted for review on Creative Allies, a tour poster for the band Givers out of the Bayou from Lafayette, Louisiana.  At this point I hadn't committed to working in Illustrator yet and was still compensating for my lack of confidence by crowding it with A LOT of static.  While I really don't like this piece very much, it's a good comparison point for me and for the work I'll be posting a bit later.

 Looking at this piece now it is painful to me how cluttered and overworked it is.  I like the idea, and maybe I'll revisit it in another piece, but very likely not in Photoshop.

Thanks for hanging around people, and there ought to be some more updates immediately!

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